Welcome to Heisenberg International School
Learn. Educate. GrowOur vision is to create one of the most effective & efficient schools in UP, helping the students of remote districts, prepare for the higher education with fluent spoken English language.

General Info
Principal: Mr Sunil Kumar Shukla
Grade Levels: 1st- 8th
Quick Info
Admission and Prospectus
Mandatory Disclosure
Saras Download
Parent Teachers Association
DEO Certificate
Various Committees
About Us
Heisenberg Internation School is recognized by State Government vide Certificate No. 1614-17/2017-18 dated 30th May 2017
Heisenberg International School has applied to CBSE for affiliation for Secondary level and will start conducting classes for 9th and 10th grades from AY 2020-21 subject to approval by CBSE.
Our Vision & MiSsion
Our vision is to create one of the most effective & efficient schools in UP, helping the students of remote districts, prepare for the higher education with fluent spoken English language.
Samrat Nagar, Mariahu, Jaunpur, Uttar Pradesh
School Hours
M-F: 8am – 2pm
Weekends: Closed
Phone & Email
Personality Development programs
Years Established
Get In Touch
Location: Samrat Nagar, Mariahu, Jaunpur, Uttar Pradesh
Telephone: +91-7233933409
Email: contact@heisenbergschool.com
School Hours: M-F: 8am – 2pm